Wednesday, February 18, 2009

From a Reader: "Help Me ID These Drums"

A reader of this blog wrote:

I have information to share with readers of the blog.

I own a drum that has no makers label inside, and indeed no identifying marks anywhere on the drum. The drum was restored in 1972 by Robert Atwell of Durham, Connecticut. I have enclosed photos of the drum. I would appreciate any help Field Drums could provide dating or identifying the drum.

Richard Besciak


  1. The man who restored that drum is still living in Durham. He still might have a copy of the bill for the repair.

  2. Would the anonymous person who posted the above comment please provide any more information that he/she may have concerning the Raleigh drum restorer?

    Thank you.

  3. I know nothing about a drum restorer in Raleigh, But I do happen to be in touch quite often with the one in Durham, Connecticut.


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