Saturday, March 7, 2009

Leo J. Brennan's Eli Brown Drum (1829)

Tim Brennan wrote about this drum from his father's, Leo J. Brennan, collection. Leo J. Brennan operates "Ye Old Colonial Sutler's Shoppe" of Madison, Connecticut:

Here is an 1829 vintage Eli Brown field drum. It has the elaborate and extensive tack pattern that distinguishes a Brown drum. It retains the original calfskin heads, although there is a small rip on the beater head and the bottom head is caved in. The label clearly states the date, the Brown name and the number 1602. The craftsmanship includes hemp ropes, ten iron hooks top and bottom, vermillion rims, and of the original ears most are remnants and only the one is intact. The drum is 17 inches tall and the circumference of the maple shell is 54 inches. The snares and strainer assembly are intact. The drum belongs to my father .... He was active in fife and drum and sutlery for decades .... He accumulated many field drums over the last half century. Hope this is interesting to you, Sincerely Tim Brennan

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