Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Morss Drum in Vermont Virtual Museum

"Vermont in the Civil War" is a virtual museum* located online.

From the John Gibson Collection in the Virtual Museum of Vermont in the Civil War:

Richard H. Morse [Note: the drum says "Morss"], age 19(?), credited to Wolcott, Lamoille County, Vermont, enlisted on June 26, 1862 and mustered in as a private in Co. H, 9th Vermont Volunteer Infantry. On December 26, 1864, he was promoted to Principal Musician of the regiment, and he mustered out with the regiment on June 13, 1865. Morse was born on February 2, 1846 (if correct, this makes him only 16 when he enlisted), and died on July 6, 1910. He is buried in the McLaren cemetery, in Greensboro, Orleans County, Vermont.

John Gibson is a Montpelier, Vermont native, currently residing in Maryland. He is an artisan, specializing in applied decorative finishes, a historian of American made toys from the Golden Age of Toymaking, and a Civil War collector and dealer specializing in Vermont related items with a fondness for the 2nd Vermont Infantry. Vermont in the Civil War.

Also in the "Vermont in the Civil War" virtual museum: Postwar Grand Army of the Republic, Rutland GAR Photograph, Collection of Francis Guber:

Click on photo to enlarge

See also Virtual Museum Music Room by David Niles.
*A virtual museum does not have any real treasures, but simply scans or transcripts of historical material. Source: VermontCivilWar.Org Database; Creator/Webmaster: Tom Ledoux

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