Monday, May 25, 2009

A Reader Asks About a French Drum

Dear Sir:

Actually, I am trying to research the history of (and the likley market value of) a drum in the possession of a good friend of mine. I have attached a picture or two.

The inscription on the side is this:

M. Boiste
16 Rue. GeorgeSands
LaVarenne St. Hillaire

which is of course an address (France, I think?) likely of the drum maker?

Any help? Any suggestions where I should inquire further?

I thank you in advance for your reply.

Minneapolis, MN 55411


Dear K.S.,

Looks like a nice drum. The leather ears look like they’ve been “painted” with white shoe polish to spruce them up. That should wear off in time.

The drum is French, possibly brought over to the U.S. during the Civil War time but I cannot be sure. The brass looks as if it has been cleaned (shiny).


I have one in my collection that is similar. Not a lot of demand for them.

I would not know anyone else to ask, frankly.

Good luck and thanks for writing.


Ellis Mirsky

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