Sunday, August 2, 2009

Playing the Lambeg

Here is a sampling of videos of Lambeg drum playing posted on (search "Lambeg Drum") for more videos.

Massed Lambeg Drums

Part of the Ulster Scots cultural event held in Ahoghill on 12th July 2007, featuring the fifes and lambegs of glebe, dunminning, gloonan, moyasset and gracehill.
Posted on Youtube by gloonan504, September 21, 2007


Lambeg Orange & Blue Flute Band
Lambeg Orange & Blue Flute Band at their annual band parade and competition in Lisburn tonight. They had paraded into the city centre from Lambeg village before the other bands started parading.
Posted by gmc1981, August 19, 2006.


Ballynure Lambeg Drumming Club 12th July Festival 2007

This is a short video of the Ballynure Lambeg drumming club at the annual 12th of July Celebrations. The video was taken shortly before the colourful Orange Order parade passed off in Carnmoney, near Belfast, County Antrim in Northern Ireland. Lambeg Drums are common site in rural townlands all across Northern Ireland each summer. The Lambeg Drum is said to have originated from the 1600's. The drum itself is usually made from wood with a stretched goat skin and specially made bamboo canes. Usually accompanied by one or more Fyfe players.
Posted by gflview, July 15, 2007.


Lambeg Drum

Me drumming at Ballyleany LOL 11before a match in Richhill. My da is leveling the drum.
Posted by dopeman123456789, May 31, 2008.

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