Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Day in the Life of The Hellcats


Salute cannon/Reveille
SSG Eric Miller, bugle

Breakfast Formation Reveille Routine
Bugle Tune #1
Piccolo Tune Irish Reel
Bugle Tune #2
Piccolo Tune Caledonia
Bugle Tune #3
Bugle Tune #4
Piccolo Tune Jig I
Bugle Tune #5
Piccolo Tune Old Lassie
Mess Call / Assembly

Hellcat Show drum & bugle demonstration
SSG Charles Hooke, drum SFC Deric Milligan, bugle
Drum & Bugle calls

Hellcat Show with narration
SGM Rick Gerard, narrator
Oh How I Hate to Get Up In The Morning, Berlin/arr. Trefethen
There's Something About a Soldier, arr. Pelletier
This is the Army Mr. Jones, Berlin/arr. Pelletier
Green Berets, Moore, Sadler/arr. Newton
Wooden Legged Warrior, Benson British Grenadiers, arr. Bennet
Bugle Chase, Leonard/arr. Leonard
American Patrol, Meacham/arr. Leonard
Apple Tree, Brown, Tobias, Stept/arr. Leonard
Over There, Cohen/arr. Leonard
Know How (drum solo), G. Cuccia
My Country ‘Tis of Thee, arr. Leonard

Dinner Formation
Connecticut Halftime (drums)
Hellcats, arr. Pelletier
Road to Boston (drums)
Hip-a-Dipper, arr. Pelletier
Atlanta (drums)
Bugelicious, Leonard/arr. Leonard
Willie Weaver (drums)
Adjutants Call March, arr. Pelletier
Crazy Army (drums)
Strong Men, arr. Pelletier

SSG Gino Villarreal, bugle MSG Donald Trefethen, drum

Retreat Review
Adjutant's Call
Gary Owen, arr. Leonard
Three Ruffles & Flourishes
General's March
To the Color
Yankee Doodle, arr. Leonard
Left Foot (drums)
Hornpipe #One, arr. Leonard
Willie Weaver (drums)
Scotland the Brave, arr. Leonard
Burns Moore (drums)
On Brave Old Army Team, Egner/arr. Leonard
Paddy in a Handcart (drums)
Army Goes Rolling Along, Gruber

Hellcat Fanfare*
Leonard/arr. Leonard

March Medley with the USMA Band*
Bugles and Drums, Goldman
The Thunderer, Sousa
On Parade, Goldman
Riders for the Flag, Sousa

Bugers' Holiday*
SSG John Manning, SSG Eric Miller SSG Gino Villarreal, trumpets

Benny Havens*
arr. Leonard

Blow the Bugle, Beat the Drum*
arr. Murtha

Lights Out/Tattoo
SFC Deric Milligan, bugle

* CPT Tod Addison, conducting


1) 0630: Salute cannon/Reveille: A busy day at the Military Academy begins before dawn. At the flagpole, the cannon fires and the flag rises to the strains of Reveille. While most army posts perform this ceremony to a recorded bugle call, at West Point it is still performed live each morning by Hellcat buglers. Once this bombastic alarm clock has sounded, cadets spring to action to get washed, dressed and straighten up their rooms, for in less than thirty minutes they are expected to fall in for accountability and breakfast formation.

2) 0700: Breakfast formation: The Reveille Routine has gone through many incarnations over the years. In earlier times, this set of tunes was played by piccolo, bugle and drum as the cadets formed up. The tunes were carefully programmed and timed to coincide with a series of bells letting the cadets know how much time remained before Assembly. Traditionally, new cadets (Plebes) would fall in early to be drilled by upperclassmen on cadet knowledge. In recent years the bells and piccolos have been eliminated, but the bugles and drums still carry on the tradition each morning using these same tunes to march the cadets into the mess hall.

3-4) 0900: Hellcat Show: Mornings are spent in rehearsal preparing for performances on the road. Many mornings the group is out performing their show for veteran's groups, civic activities or school audiences. Segments of this show have been performed around the world, on major television networks, at international tattoos and on stage with such groups as the New York Pops and Boston Pops orchestras.

5) 1200: Morning classes behind them, the cadets form up once again for dinner formation. Presented here is a sample of typical bugle tunes and drum cadences used daily to march the corps into the mess hall. This same format is used for supper formation in summer months for support of the new cadets in beast barracks.

6) 1400: Funeral: A West Point grad gets his final tribute from a grateful nation at West Point from the Hellcats as the muffled drum rolls and the lone bugler plays Taps. In addition to on post funerals, Hellcat buglers log thousands of miles each year performing final honors for hundreds of veterans throughout the New York/New Jersey area.

7) 1700: Most afternoons the cadets are drilled around the Plain by a team of Hellcat drummers, but pomp and ceremony are in order, as the cadets take to the parade field in full dress uniform for a review on the Plain. We present a modified parade including the bugle calls Retreat and To The Color as the flag is lowered. This track features Field Music bugles and drums augmented by piccolo players from the concert band re-creating the old Hellcat’s instrumentation.

8-12) 1930: The Military Academy Band has a unique resource in the Hellcats. An evening concert at Trophy Point often features traditional marches and special arrangements written especially for the band to showcase the Hellcats and highlight their unique contribution to the ensemble.

13) 2300: Lights Out: Day is done, time for lights out as the bugle sounds Tattoo.

Source: The Hellcats History

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