Monday, May 16, 2011

Postcard: National Association of Civil War Musicians

eBay item no. 290546390247, Seller kamich09 ( 888) asking $199.99 BIN price.

Susan Cifaldi wrote:

Wow! I think that's what I paid for mine, and it came with Bogart's personal copy of the 1905 edition of the AVF, another postcard of a GAR encampment, and the fife he used there. (the GAR card is inscribed to his sister, and he complains about the weather). The NACWM was a fine group who fought hard to keep the field music alive in the GAR (there was evidently a move to lessen musical activities around 1911).

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think that's what I paid for mine, and it came with Bogart's personal copy of the 1905 edition of the AVF, another postcard of a GAR encampment, and the fife he used there. (the GAR card is inscribed to his sister, and he complains about the weather). The NACWM was a fine group who fought hard to keep the field music alive in the GAR (there was evidently a move to lessen musical activities around 1911).


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