Friday, November 14, 2014

Dr. Fredrick Fennell Playing The Last Soistman Drum Ever Built

Reader Michael Jedd wrote to us:

This evening my son brought over some old photo albums of mine. Included is a photo of Dr. Fredrick Fennell playing on my drum.  Dr. Fennell was guest conducting a U.S. Coast Guard Band Concert in New London.  I believe it was the fall of 1980.  A very good friend of mine hosted a party for Dr. Fennell at his house.  Knowing of Dr. Fennell's Fife & Drum Recording with the Eastman Wind Ensemble on the Mercury Label I decided to bring my drum to the event.  He graciously played a few notes on the instrument.

I thought you would appreciate the photo.


Michael G. Jedd

Ed. Note: For more about the drum, please see "The Story Behind the Last Soistman Drum Ever Built", this blog, June 23, 2009, and the comments to that post.

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