Sunday, December 20, 2009

1863 Drum Played by James K. Hall, Made by Esex Arnold, Little Falls, MN

At 18 years of age, James K. Hall enlisted in Company K, 143d Indiana Volunteer Infantry and mustered into service as a muscian on February 4, 1865. This was his drum. When it was found that he had taught school and was a skillful accountant, Hall was made a company clerk. This chagrinned him throughout his life -- he had three brothers who saw battle, two of them were badly wounded. The 143d mustered into Federal service on February 21, 1865, and was stationed in Tennessee, where it remained until well after the end of the War; being mustered out at Nashville on October 17, 1865.

After the War Hall returned to Loogootee. He died in 1934.

Source: Photo by "Paul", undocumented, but believed to have been taken at a museum in Indiana.

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