Saturday, July 23, 2011

Drum No. 1 of the Old Guard

Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Drum Number One, 1960

When the Corps was activated as part of Company H in 1960, Buck Soistman made a set of twenty-two traditional wooden rope-tension drums for it. The drums were in regular use until they were retired to the Old Guard Museum in 1989. Each drum is hand painted with the arms of the regiment and battle honors.

Source: The Old Guard Museum website.


  1. The Old Guard Museum actually has 21 of the original Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps drums that were retired in 1989. Also, several years ago an alumni of the FDC donated his black drape used on his bass drum for the Kennedy State Funeral and his drum sticks. Most of the 1960-era drums are Soistman drums.

    We also have one of the newer and retired FDC drums and one of the US Army Band drums used for the first time in the first Reagan inaugural and used for the last time in the Reagan State Funeral.

    A point of interest: Some of the battle streamers have incorrect spellings of the battles represented on the drums.

    You can follow the Old Guard Museum on Facebook and Flickr at:

  2. from the time period of 1970 thru 1980 the drums used by the old guard fifie and drum corp were re-furbished by buck souisman one time. they were given a deeper look by having each of the colors and parts of the crest hand painted and sealed as they were placed on each drum. I was a member of the drum line from 1970-1980 and got the experience of performing using these exceptional instruments..


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