Sunday, December 6, 2015

New Ulster-Scots Fife & Drum Corps Needs Rope Drums

A reader writes seeking donations of playable rope drums for a new fife & drum corps in Scotland.  Can you help?

Let's see if we can send these guys some of our unused old players to spread the joy of drum corps to Scotland.

If you're interested, contact me at  I'll look for a non-profit organization with this kind of thing in its charter to assist in the cause.  And I'll see if FedEx or UPS will help out with shipping.



Dear Sir,

I am the Chairman of Cambuslang Ulster-Scots Society in Scotland. We are a voluntary non-profit society with the aim of furthering our Ulster-Scots (some call us Scots-Irish) Heritage, Culture, History, etc .As you will be aware there is a great deal of the history of the USA which is directly linked with the Ulster-Scots from early settlement until the present day, Hence this request to your good self.
We are forming a small Fife & Drum Corps but cannot source any rope tension drums.  These can be bought new but we are unable to pay commercial rates for them. We are therefore trying to source any old or unused drums.  Maybe a band with spares or defunct or stored away out of use. 
I realise this is an unusual quest but would appreciate if you can help us if you know of any way to obtain some. I can give you more details about the C.U.S.S if you require, Hope you can help
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this.

Yours Sincerely

Robert Totten


Who are Ulster-Scots;


Hello Ellis
Thank you for your reply and interest in our group
Cambuslang Ulster-Scots Society was formed in Dec 2009, The group was formed to explore and further the links between Scotland and Ulster.There are many connections between the countries (more so the West of Scotland), for hundreds of years . One of the main events was the Ulster Plantation in the early 1600,s this brought a lot of Scots to settle in Ulster. A lot of the History, Culture and Heritage starts from round about this time. In my case my greatgrandfather and great grandmother came from Ballymena but I was born in Cambuslang Scotland. 
We raise funds from small raffles and social fundraisers.
At present I am at home in England but as soon as possible I will send you a copy of our Constitution set up for the Society probably take 2/3 weeks.
During the famine of early 1700 hundreds of U/Scots left Ulster to settle in America,these people were instrumental in the forming of the USA,without going too deeply in to history the influence of U/Scots has been immense .
The plan for the Corps ,is to demonstrate and play the traditional Ulster-Scots-American music that has been part of our culture for many years. A lot of this music has developed in to marching melody flute bands.We wish to go back to basic Fife & Drum. 
At present our youngest member is 14yrs old ranging through to myself (unashamed 70)
Instructors will be brought in from local flute bands we have some very experienced people at hand 
Our music as stated will be traditional tunes from our culture
At present we will only be wearing shirts and uniform trousers as any performances will be indoors .
We will be using 5/6 key Bb flutes as most of us already own these instruments or can borrow them ,we have several makers over here but ours are mostly Mull Wicks and Peter Worrell. The intention is to change to Fifes when we are fully established.
Hope this gives you enough information to be going on with and once again thanks for you time and interest
Bobby Totten

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