Reader ANONYMOUS referred us to this find on the Internet offered for sale at $2,400 by Champion Hill Relics
Contact Info:
John Spicer
P.O. Box 2112
Brandon, MS 39043
(601) 420-3412

Outstanding Original 1850's-Civil War Ornate Complete Cadet Drum
Since I'm keeping with the "cadet" theme, you might as well really go ALL OUT! This is a spectacular example of a Military School Cadet drum, made by the F. Zogbaum & Fairchild Company of New York. You can look inside and see the original maker's tag clearly intact and legible inside. This company started in Charleston and Savannah and later moved to New York. It is listed at 10 Maiden lane from 1857. The company is listed in the "Directory of American Military Goods Dealers & Makers 1785-1915". It can also be found in the G. Craig Caba book "United States Military Drums 1845-1865". The shell size is about 10 inches;12 inches total with the hoops. Head size about 13 inches. This beautiful drum has been re-roped by the Cooperman Drum and Fife company. Has the splendid Federal Eagle classic painting upon the outer shell, with a ribbon in its mouth. New rope and ears have been dyed dark brown. Also newer calf skin heads, the top head having a very nice patina. Most Civil War drums don't have snare strainers; and this one does not, either, obviously. But you can see a small bed in the bottom hoop where snares would be passed through and tightened down by the ropes. There are no snares at this time but could be added easily. This drum has original shell and hoops intact and very nice. Everything displays magnificently, and makes for a very affordable Civil War (or older) addition for your collection. A legit maker-marked regimental drum (without any provenance of unit--just plain "US" drum) costs around $5000. And don't get fooled with drums post-war and GAR/fraternal drums that cost $1000 or less. Those are NOT real Civil War or earlier drums, so BEWARE! This one can save you thousands, and can have the full confidence to know whoever the cadet was that beat cadence and drum rolls and commands with it clearly went into the war when he was old enough to shoulder a musket in the bloodbath of 4 years of total war.
Research re Zogbaum & Fairchild turned up the following:
Musical Instrument Makers of New York: A Directory of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century
by Nancy Groce
p.176, et seq.
ZOGBAUM, Ferdinand
1854 musical instruments 99 Maiden Lane
1855-56 muscial instruments 97 Maiden Lane
1857-58 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1859-69 importer 10 Maiden Lane
1870 importer and manufacturer
of musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1871-75 musical instruments 89 Chambers and 71 Reade
1876 musical instruments 23 Park Place
1877-79 not listed
1880+ president/broker RR Ave. near 167th Street
Zogbaum had previously been active as an instrument dealer in Charleston, South Carolina c. 1852 (PC:Eliason). Arriving in New York c. 1854, he established Zogbaum & Company, which became Zogbaum & Fairchild in 1858 when Rufus Fairchild was admitted into partnership. In 1859, they advertised in the NYCD ["New York City Directory"] (p. 1164): "Zogbaum & Fairchild beg the attention of the trade to our extensive stock of Musical Instruments and Strings of our own manufacture and direct importation. Our agents on the Continent of Europe are directed to purchase mostly for Cash, and to send all novelties, either in Musical Instruments or articles appertaining thereto. Our particular attention is given to the manufacture of Guitars, Saxhorns, Cornets, Flutes, Clarinets, Banjos, Drums, etc. ... which are manufactured at our factory here & immediately under or own supervision -- none but the most experienced workmen engaged and the best material used."
According to the 1861 AMD ["American Musical Directory"] (p.41), the firm then specialized in making and importing violins, guitars, flutes, accordians, concertinas, flutinas, drums, banjos, tambourines, brass instruments, clarinets, and the Tilton celebrated patent guitar. Zogbaum left the partnership c. 1875, but apparently continued to work in the trade as as executive for an uptown factory. A Rufus Zogbaum -- probably Ferdinand's son named after his former partner -- was active in the instrument trade during the 1870s.
1854 musical instruments 99 Maiden Lane
1855-56 musical instruments 97 Maiden Lane
1857 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1858 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1859-69 importers 10 Maiden Lane
1870 importers & musical 10 Maiden Lane
musical instrument
1871-75 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
Contact Info:
John Spicer
P.O. Box 2112
Brandon, MS 39043
(601) 420-3412

Outstanding Original 1850's-Civil War Ornate Complete Cadet Drum
Since I'm keeping with the "cadet" theme, you might as well really go ALL OUT! This is a spectacular example of a Military School Cadet drum, made by the F. Zogbaum & Fairchild Company of New York. You can look inside and see the original maker's tag clearly intact and legible inside. This company started in Charleston and Savannah and later moved to New York. It is listed at 10 Maiden lane from 1857. The company is listed in the "Directory of American Military Goods Dealers & Makers 1785-1915". It can also be found in the G. Craig Caba book "United States Military Drums 1845-1865". The shell size is about 10 inches;12 inches total with the hoops. Head size about 13 inches. This beautiful drum has been re-roped by the Cooperman Drum and Fife company. Has the splendid Federal Eagle classic painting upon the outer shell, with a ribbon in its mouth. New rope and ears have been dyed dark brown. Also newer calf skin heads, the top head having a very nice patina. Most Civil War drums don't have snare strainers; and this one does not, either, obviously. But you can see a small bed in the bottom hoop where snares would be passed through and tightened down by the ropes. There are no snares at this time but could be added easily. This drum has original shell and hoops intact and very nice. Everything displays magnificently, and makes for a very affordable Civil War (or older) addition for your collection. A legit maker-marked regimental drum (without any provenance of unit--just plain "US" drum) costs around $5000. And don't get fooled with drums post-war and GAR/fraternal drums that cost $1000 or less. Those are NOT real Civil War or earlier drums, so BEWARE! This one can save you thousands, and can have the full confidence to know whoever the cadet was that beat cadence and drum rolls and commands with it clearly went into the war when he was old enough to shoulder a musket in the bloodbath of 4 years of total war.
Research re Zogbaum & Fairchild turned up the following:
Musical Instrument Makers of New York: A Directory of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century
by Nancy Groce
p.176, et seq.
ZOGBAUM, Ferdinand
1854 musical instruments 99 Maiden Lane
1855-56 muscial instruments 97 Maiden Lane
1857-58 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1859-69 importer 10 Maiden Lane
1870 importer and manufacturer
of musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1871-75 musical instruments 89 Chambers and 71 Reade
1876 musical instruments 23 Park Place
1877-79 not listed
1880+ president/broker RR Ave. near 167th Street
Zogbaum had previously been active as an instrument dealer in Charleston, South Carolina c. 1852 (PC:Eliason). Arriving in New York c. 1854, he established Zogbaum & Company, which became Zogbaum & Fairchild in 1858 when Rufus Fairchild was admitted into partnership. In 1859, they advertised in the NYCD ["New York City Directory"] (p. 1164): "Zogbaum & Fairchild beg the attention of the trade to our extensive stock of Musical Instruments and Strings of our own manufacture and direct importation. Our agents on the Continent of Europe are directed to purchase mostly for Cash, and to send all novelties, either in Musical Instruments or articles appertaining thereto. Our particular attention is given to the manufacture of Guitars, Saxhorns, Cornets, Flutes, Clarinets, Banjos, Drums, etc. ... which are manufactured at our factory here & immediately under or own supervision -- none but the most experienced workmen engaged and the best material used."
According to the 1861 AMD ["American Musical Directory"] (p.41), the firm then specialized in making and importing violins, guitars, flutes, accordians, concertinas, flutinas, drums, banjos, tambourines, brass instruments, clarinets, and the Tilton celebrated patent guitar. Zogbaum left the partnership c. 1875, but apparently continued to work in the trade as as executive for an uptown factory. A Rufus Zogbaum -- probably Ferdinand's son named after his former partner -- was active in the instrument trade during the 1870s.
1854 musical instruments 99 Maiden Lane
1855-56 musical instruments 97 Maiden Lane
1857 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1858 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
1859-69 importers 10 Maiden Lane
1870 importers & musical 10 Maiden Lane
musical instrument
1871-75 musical instruments 10 Maiden Lane
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