Price Realized Including Buyer's Premium: $920.00
Auction: 2006, Firearms and Early Militaria Auction, Dec 7
241. CIVIL WAR ERA STATE MILITIA SNARE DRUM, front with dark brown paint with gold lettering A. J. AKE with five-pointed gold star in center with tacks forming two concentric circles as well as other designs. Remainder of the drum painted brick red with brown top and bottom edges. Seven brown leather sliding percussion braces (ears) attached to ropes.
Label on inside of drum reads Drums, Fifes, Regimental Colours and Tambourine Repaired by Bringhurs Germantown, Philadelphia. Paper label also has image of a patriotic eagle with a coiled snake. Batter head is soiled and has a 2" incision. Bottom head missing, as is part of the paper label on inside. Drum retains ca. 95% of original paint.
(EST $450-$550)
Price Realized: $920.00
Price includes buyer's premium.
Cowan's Auctions, Inc.
6270 Este Ave
Cincinnati, OH United States 45232
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