Sold recently on eBay (item no. 170246039269) by kenfarmerauctions( 910) to horncollector( 1169) for $700 and described as follows:
Civil War Era Drum & Drumsticks
Mid 1800's. Drum belonging to George A. Bridge, Civil War veteran, Morrisville, VT. Period blue paint. Together with the Bridge family bible with genealogical entries from 1816-1960. With original Civil War drumsticks, with carving "CM.B", 17" long. Drum has replaced heads. Leather cover of bible is dry and flaking. 16 3/4" x 15 3/4".
Now Horncollector (see his website at has acquired a few drums similar to this drum over the past year or less and those drums now appear on his site for sale.
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