eBay seller jcmtin ( 2840) describes item no. 370374872052 as follows:
[G]reat early drum estate fresh, [k]no[w] very little on it, see pics, [I']m sure the rope was a replacement at some point, leather parts are still there, see pics, skin has some worm holes, see pics for overall condition, [I] googled [S]anford [B]ennett, he was in the 40th [W]isconsin [V]ol, [C]ivil [W]ar, and later wrote a song ["I]n the [S]weet [B]y and [B]y" after the [C]ivil [W]ar which was a big hit, maybe a [GAR] drum , [I] don['] know you be the judge approx, 15in tall and 16in across.
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